FishingMobile is now developed by Fishing Mobile Foundation Inc, a non-profit. We have tried to address all feedback since the last release in updates to all our supported platforms.
This article describes the changes made that affect users. We have been very busy with this release. Keeping the app running is itself an enormous effort, as every year the mobile platforms change and introduce new coding styles and requirements – so a lot of effort has been in getting the app ready for distributing to the app store conditions in 2021 – but it's not interesting to users, so won't be listed here.
New features:- Added USA state-by-state fishing licenses and regulations
- Add new Tag ID field for fish logs
- Fix time not showing when viewing fish log
- Do not warn about large numbers of logs to sync, if not even logged in
- Fix fish log sync always erroring, on some Android versions
- Reimplement online/offline check for newer Android versions, as old API deprecated (may explain why always showed offline for some users); careful testing by flipping airplane mode on/off
- Fix unimportant error messaging about network errors if network missing during initial sync attempt
- Fix misaligned network offline label on home screen (cropped text), and made message clearer
- Fix crash if no results found in location searches
- Fix crash when using camera/media on newer Android versions
- Fixed text sizing issue found on a test device
New features:- Added USA state-by-state fishing licenses and regulations
- Move share to Twitter to a general sharing system (shares to whatever is set up on the device)
- Add new Tag ID field for fish logs
- Fix sporadic crash during startup (database locking issue)
- Fix incorrect username saved during signup (custom choice was not saved)
- Fix incorrect DOB saved during signup (it had defaulted to 1970 if DOB was not entered)
- Fix clunky email address input (use correct email keyboard)
- Fix metric/English units being switched around
- Fixed location search UI alignment on newer iOS
- Fixed location zoom in/out buttons being wrong way around
- Fixed weather location search crash (we were relying on free Google geocoding, which had been discontinued since the last update)
- Fix issue saving data with apostrophes
- Fix issue saving/uploading data with certain other characters, in certain situations
- Fixed legal screen not closing fully
- Fixed many issues with layout on iPad, and added iPad as official published target
- Disabled iOS dark mode, as app design is already dark and it caused some design issues
- Fix very small alignment issue on weather screen
- When adding fish log, don't overwrite manually inputted location with auto-detected location just because forward/reverse geocoding has been requested
- Fix small alignment issues viewing fish logs
- Fix truncated location GPS details when viewing fish log
- Do not warn about large numbers of logs to sync, if not even logged in
- Fix Solunar displayed day-of-week sometimes being wrong
- Fix Solunar off-by-one error in some timezones, when looking at day list
Other changes:
- Disabled Facebook Login (as implementing Apple Login across all platforms is not feasible at this point and we need to comply with app guidelines)
- Migrate to inline date pickers, for a better date picking experience
New features:- Added USA state-by-state fishing licenses and regulations
- Add new Tag ID field for fish logs
Other changes:
- Document how to delete accounts, to comply with Facebook guidelines
- Implement full account deletion, including custom Fishing Mobile data
- Moved to new faster server
- Moved to fishingmobile.org (from fishingmobile.com)