If you want to build a boat, there are several considerations that you need to assess before starting.
First, do you have a place to build the boat?
You will need a garage or outbuilding that is big enough to handle the process. Not only the size of the finished boat, but also storing the materials as you begin the building job. You need room to assemble it, treat the wood - this means you have to be able to comfortably walk around all sides of the boat and access each section easily.
Do you have boat plans?
Don't just pick up some freebie plans on the internet or out of a magazine. Odds are, if the plans are free, that they left something out. Either a technique that you need to apply to the wood or a complete list of materials, or even a blown out blueprint might not be there. This is going to cause you all kinds of trouble in the job. Make sure that the plans you choose have been tested and BUILT by someone before you begin. Otherwise, you may get halfway through to find out you just can't build it based on the instructions.
Do you have tools?
You won't need a lot of power tools, boat building is more of a craft - so it takes time to do it right. Having some good quality hand tools, like a plan, some clamps and stuff like this will help you get the job done. A good set of plans will specify the tools you need so that you don't have to stop over and over again in the project to go pick up some other tool.
Do you really want to build a boat?
Don't start this project unless you are really amped up about building your own boat. Otherwise, you may lose interest and have that partially-done project sitting in your garage for a long time. If you stay with it, you will see progress day after day and this will help you stay on track.
Do you have the patience?
Building a boat is not for folks who desire instant gratification. There are a number of steps and processes that need to be completed - and completed well. Doing a halfway job on sealing your wood only means that you will be seeing water damage and wood rot much sooner than you expect.
Take your time. Pick a plan you can't wait to build and get to work. You will love your new boat!
If you want to build you own boat, you can get some great information here. You can build your own boat if you want to, go ahead - take the plunge!!
Visit Boat Plans for some great information and tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Joshua