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Fishing boat capsized at sea, 3 rescued and 1 missing

Boat off of Quillayute River (Image of rescue provided by Coast Guard)

Boat off of Quillayute River (Image of rescue provided by Coast Guard)

SEATTLE -- Three people were rescued and one man is missing after a fishing boat capsized early Sunday roughly 14 miles offshore of the Quillayute River.

The Coast Guard received a mayday call from the Sea Beast, a 52-foot fishing vessel, at about 3 a.m. on Sunday. In the mayday call, the ship's master said the vessel was taking on water and he and his three crew members couldn't keep up with the flooding, according to the Coast Guard.

The fishermen were advised to put on their survival suits and get ready to abandon the ship and get into their life raft. At the same time, several Coast Guard crews headed to scene to rescue the fishermen.

The rescue crews found three fisherman who had been able to abandon the ship, but the master wasn't able to get off and went down with the ship, according to the Coast Guard.

The three rescued fishermen were not injured. It's unclear what caused the ship to capsize, but "the sunken vessel is not reported to be a hazard to navigation at this time," according to the Coast Guard.


