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All About Fishing Hooks

Choose the hooks according to the type of fish.The type of fish is one of the most important factors when you choose a hook. If you want to get the big fish in the sea, you should choose a big hook. If you are going to fish on the river, you could use a small hook. All of these lie on the the type of fish.

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Choose the hooks according to the ways of entertainment. When you want to practice catch and release, you should use circle hooks. They usually hook fish in the corner of the mouth so they don't harm the fish. But don't set the hook too hard, or else you will yank the hook out of the fish's mouth. Just let the line come tight and let the fish hook itself. If you want to fish for you lunch, you can choose the sharp hook and you needn't consider whether fish is dead or not.

Choose the hooks according to the baits. You should use the hooks with the barb on the hook shank with live bait, and use an offset worm hook with artificial bait. What's more, the size of the hook should equal the size of the bait.

Ask the staff at the bait or hook shop. It is always a good idea to ask the staff at the bait or hook shop for their input. Tell them what kind of fish you plan on fishing, where you will be fishing, and what kind of bait you are using and ask for recommendations. There are many hooks out there, but a knowledgeable staffer should be able to guide you through the confusion.

Best Hooks For Trout Fishing

What are the best hooks for trout fishing? I've been asked that question many times in the last 25 years, and in this article I'm going to do my best to explain the answer to this question. The best hooks for trout fishing have 3 very important things in common. These 3 things are what this article is about. As long as your trout fishing hooks have these 3 things in common, you're going to be in great shape.

Many trout anglers make the mistake of not thinking enough about their hooks, and it ends up costing them bites. Many times in trout fishing the simplest things are the most effective and this is certainly true with hooks. This is especially true if live bait is employed when fishing for trout. When you fish with live bait, you want the focus to be on the bait, and nothing else. The bottom line is that if you keep these 3 things in mind, you'll know that you're always using the best hooks for trout fishing.

The Size - When fishing for trout you always want to use small fishing hooks. This means size 8 or 10 in most situations, and rarely any hooks larger than size 6. The size of your hooks is important because we don't want them to be visible to the trout. When talking about the best hooks for trout fishing, the smaller the better. Some trout anglers even like to use size 12 and 14 hooks, which are so small you almost have to have the hands of a four year old to deal with then effectively.
The Sharpness - When fishing for trout (or any other species of fish) your hooks should always be as sharp as possible. New hooks are very sharp, but after being used for a while they become dull. This is why changing your hooks frequently or sharpening them with a hook sharper is so important. It's said that 50% of the fish we miss is because of dull hooks. I like to drift fish in rivers, where I bounce my bait along the bottom as it flows with the current. This means that I get snagged and/or hung up a lot. So I'm constantly changing my hooks to make sure that they're as sharp as possible.
The Configuration - Trout fishing hooks should be configured properly, especially when using live bait. The most effective configuration that I've ever used is a set of gang hook. Trout fishing hooks configured as a set of gang hooks are extremely effective, especially when worm fishing. Another configuration that some trout fishermen like is a #10 plain hook with a small treble hook tied behind it. This trout fishing hook set up is quite effective for Powerbait fishing.

The bottom line is that the best hooks for this type of fishing need to have these 3 things in common. If your trout fishing hooks have these three things in common you will be a successful trout fisherman. And never forget, there is no magic formula to fishing, so the more time that you can spend on the water practicing your craft, the better off you will be.

A Beginners Guide to Fishing Hooks

Fishing is one of the most loved pass times by a massive amount of people across the globe. A lot of people have also involved themselves in the art of fishing in order to make a living. And for doing so, numerous sorts of tools are used, such as hooks, nets, boats, etc.

In this article we will learn about hooks and their types, characteristics and functions.

Fishing hooks are tools which are used for catching fish. Like the name "hook," itself suggests, the tool is shaped like a hook and it contains a barbed edge which captures the fish and disables it to wriggle its way out of the hook. A hook is divided into various parts, such as:

1. The eye. This is a base ensnare, a point at which the hook is joined with a line.

2. The Shank. This is significantly the straight portion of a hook that is joined to the eye (though designs vary and it always does not have to be straight).

3. Bend.

4. Point.

5. The barb.

Fish hooks have been used since thousands and thousands of years. According to records, history suggests people used fish hooks even back in 7000BC. And through time, the materials and elements in the developments of hooks have changed. Wood, stone, bones, shells, bronze, iron and other sorts of materials were used in the production of hooks; and it is a fact that people still use non metallic hooks in some parts of the globe today. Hooks which were made by using steel first appeared and then significantly grew popular for professional use after the sixteenth century.

What are Treble hooks?

We get three different types of hooks in the market, which are: The "single" hook (basic type), "double hook, (this sort of hooks has one eye but a couple of conjoining shanks)".

Treble hooks are essentially used while fly-fishing. A treble hook is known to be "fully clad" in colored feathers in order to simulate lures or insects. One of the most noticeable functions of a treble hook is its total grip at the fish's mouth. People also use treble hooks while lure-fishing where the treble hooks are fixed on a lure that conjures up the prey of the catch intended.

Lures are available in numerous types such as bobbed - These give the illusion of swimming upside and downwards, whereas some sorts of lures are designed to go all the way down to the floor and collide with the sand in order to give the fish the illusion of activity. However, irrespective of what sort of lure you use, it is best advised to use a treble hook in order to ensure that the fish does not escape you.

The only disadvantage of a treble hook may be the fact that it damages the fish you capture, to some extent. Therefore, just in case you fish for sport or fun and that you intend to let go of the fish after capturing it... then it is not advisable to use a treble hook. Because the fish struggles once it is captured and in consequence, its mouth is bound to be damaged significantly. However, if you want to capture a fish - Using a treble hook gets your job done.

SearchHow to Hook Live Worms For Fishing

The answer to this question seems simple enough, right? I mean putting a worm onto a hook or hooking live worms for fishing isn't brain surgery, it's just putting bait onto a hook. While this is obviously true if you want to catch more fish and hook live worms for fishing in the most effective way possible there are certain simple rules that should be adhered to.

In this quick article I will outline these simple rules, rules that have been learned through more than 50 years of combined experience using live worms for fishing. These ideas were introduced to me by my fishing mentor, a man who used live worms for catching fish for many years, more than twenty years ago and I have been using them ever since. The bottom line is that if you want to know how to hook live worms for fishing this article will show you.

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The rules are being listed in no particular order and should all be added to your fishing repertoire.

Always Use Small Hooks - Many fishermen make the mistake of using fishing hooks that are entirely too large when using live worms for fishing and end up hooking the worm over and over again creating what I like to call a worm ball. This is not at all effective, especially for larger and more experienced fish. When using worms for fishing the focus of the offering should be the worm and not the hook, which in why small hooks are a must when using worms for fishing. Hooks that are size 6, 8, or 10 (or even smaller) are ideal for fishing with live worms and any hooks larger than size 6 should be avoided.
Hook The Worm In A Natural Manner - When using a live worm for fishing the worm should appear as much as possible like it does naturally. If large worms such as night crawlers are being employed this probably means that the worm should be pinched in half to that it appears as natural as possible, and not have too much of the worm "hanging" off of the hook. In order to hook live worms in the most natural way possible a set of gang hooks should be used. Gang hooks have two small fishing hooks tied in tandem which is perfect for fishing with live worms and hooking them in a natural manner.
Use Light Line - Many anglers tend to use fishing line that much too heavy when using worms for fishing. Many fish have excellent eyesight and can see the fishing line in the water. If the fish you are attempting to catch can see your line they are less apt to bite. Again, you want the focus of your offering to be the worm itself, nothing else. This is why using light line is very important when using worms for fishing.

How To Effectively Fish With Powerbait

Do you know how to effectively fish with Powerbait? I realize that fishing with this type of bait isn't highly difficult, but there are some simple things that can be done to tip the odds in your favor. In this article I'm going to explain exactly how to effectively fish with Powerbait. Is it difficult? No it's not. And how am I so sure that this works? Because I've been using these techniques for more than 10 years, and I know they work, that's how.

The first thing to keep in mind is that it floats, and for this technique that simple fact is very important. No matter which type of synthetic bait you choose to use, just make sure that it floats. When I use the word "Powerbait" that's what I'm referring to. Synthetic bait that is sold in some manifestation of a little jar. These synthetic baits are mainly made for trout fishing. And not just trout fishing, but still fishing for trout. To effectively fish with this form of bait, it needs to be used while still fishing (at least with the technique I'm explaining in this article).

The next thing to keep in mind is your fishing line. When still fishing for trout it's normally done in clear cold water, because that's the kind of water trout prefer. Trout have very keen eyesight and in this clear water, they can easily see your line if it's too heavy. If they see your line, they are much less apt to bite, it's that simple. That's why I personally use fishing line no heavier than four-pound test. Six-pound test is passable, but anything heavier than six-pound test is not allowed. It's simply overkill and will cost you bites.

The third thing to keep in mind is that you're fishing at the most opportune times. This means fishing when the weather and moon are in your favor, rather than working against you. The information is easy to learn, and once you start planning your fishing trips around the weather and moon, you'll wonder how you ever fished without doing it. These two factors have as much to do with catching trout as anything.

Now down to the business of rigging up. Begin by grabbing the end of your line and slipping on an egg sinker (1/4 to1/2 ounce). You want enough weight to keep your offering on the bottom and no more. The amount of weight will vary with depth, wind conditions, and current. Now tie on a small barrel swivel (size 10 or 12). This will act as a "stopper" for the weight. At this point tie on a set of pre-tied 8 or 10 gang hooks Gang hooks allow you to present twice as much Powerbait, which is an advantage. Simply caver each hook with enough Powerbait to completely cover the hook. This is your rig.

Now simply cast this rig out, let it sink, and slowly reel in the slack line. You want your line to be completely taught. You're going to want to have something to set your rod against, so that it doesn't move. Now you wait. I usually wait for a thirty to forty five minutes before reeling in to check my bait. You'll know you have a bite when your rod tip begins to bounce. Art this point, pick up your rod, feel for the bite, and set the hook!

That's it. Now you know how to effectively fish with any of these jarred baits (as long as they float). This rig works and works well. All you need is this article and a little patience. The rest is up to you (and the trout of course). Have fun.

Fishing - How to Bait a Hook

When it comes to the act of fishing, the question of how to bait a hook is probably the most important question to answer. Of course this question seems as if it would be incredibly easy to answer, and at the end of the day it is, however there are some keys to baiting a hook that are amazingly important to being a successful angler.

I have learned the points outlined in this article over the past twenty five years of fishing and now you can learn them in just a few minutes. This is not a bad deal no matter how you slice it. The bottom line is that if these four simple points are kept in mind when fishing with bait, you will never again have to ask the question of how to bait a hook.

The Sharpness Of Your Hook - When you bait a hook you always want the hook to be as sharp as possible. This means either sharpening your hooks often with a hook sharpener or changing your hook often while fishing. This is especially true if you fish in areas where your bait (and thus your hooks) is hitting bottom or other underwater debris often, like when drift fishing in rivers. Always do your best to keep your hooks as sharp as possible.
A Natural Presentation - When learning how to bait a hook you always want your bait to be presented in the most natural way possible. For example, in the case of live worms, gang hooks are a great way to present your bait in the most natural way possible. Nowhere is this more true than when trout fishing with bait in rivers. At the end of the day making your bait look as natural as possible is very important when learning how to bait a hook for fishing.
The Size Of Your Hook - Many anglers use fishing hooks that are much larger than they need to be. In the case of fishing with live worms for example, many anglers use a large hook and attempt to "thread" their worm onto said hook, rather than using a set of gang hooks. The same holds true for other types of baits. You can use very small hooks and catch very large fish. If you don't believe me, just ask any fly fisherman. You're your hooks as small as you can when fishing with any type of bait.
The Scents On Your Hands - When learning how to bait a hook for fishing you must be mindful of any scents that might be on your hands, because these scents will transfer to the bait that you are using. For this reason your hands should be made free on any deviant scents before touching your fishing bait. This task can be accomplished by simply rubbing your hands in a handful of earth before baiting up. Always be mindful of your hands and any deviant scents that may be on them when putting bait on a hook.

Follow these four simple rules and you will never again have to ask how to bait a hook, you will in fact know how to accomplish this seemingly simple task.

Tie on Your Fishing Hook

If you are planning on going fishing, then you probably think that you have all you need to catch a lot of fish or at least a large one. Well, you may have your rods all lined up, the most expensive reels on them, and the longest net you can fit in your vehicle. Well, this is not going to get you any closer to landing a fish if you do not know how to tie a proper knot. Even if you are using the most effective lure there is, it will be of no use if the knot comes undone and you loose both the fish and the lure.

To make sure you do not loose fish needlessly due to poor knot tying skills, you should learn how to tie a proper knot for fishing. If you just tie any old knot, more than likely it will either come undone while you are fishing or else it will bite into itself and cut the line by itself. Here is one knot that usually works well for attaching hooks and lures to the end of the line.

First, hold the hook or lure so that the hole in the "eye" is facing up and down. Next, run the end of the line down through the eye. After this, take the free end of the line you just passed through and wrap it several times around the end of the line that is going into the eye. Make sure you wrap away from yourself. Once you are done, bring the free end of the line back and put it up through the loop that is created where the line goes through the eye of the hook. Now, bring this working end back down through the loop you have just created below the wrappings. Pull the working end and the main line side by side to tighten the knot. When the knot is halfway together, wet the whole knot and then finish tightening. This will keep the knot from biting into itself and cutting itself.

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