Despite the hundreds of different fishing lures available, there are only some used for specific purposes. For instance, a trout lure is very different from a bass lure. Each of these hooks requires a specific type of hooks for different species of fish. Additionally, knowing how to tie hooks securely to fishing line is also important. Improper line knots can result in the loss of a catch.
The Use of Spoons
Spoon lures resemble exactly as their name suggests. They're made to look like little metal spoons. Of course, these spoons don't have handles; they merely resemble the cup-shape of the spoon's end. Attached with a three-pronged, treble hook, the spoon lure works by producing shining effects below the water's surface. Their movement is light in the water, causing the reflecting light on the spoon to shine. Fish, particularly bass and trout, are attracted to the shining object. They close their mouths over the hook while attempting to swallow the spoon.
Using Spinners
Spinners, made to spin and cast, produce a vibration beneath the water that lures out fish. Coming in a variety of sizes, spinners have a high appeal with anglers because they work with many different fish. Walleye, trout and other predatory fish are attracted to spinners. Spinners have hooks at both ends, which allow the angler to attach line and a hook. In the water, spinners have a small metal blade that turns around the main body of the lure. Fish snatch it up, believing they are preying on smaller fish when the hook takes hold.
Crankbaits and Plugs
Resembling minnows, these lures have hooks on the front, middle and back of the body. The number of hooks varies depending on the length of the crankbait. Crankbaits, which are sometimes called plugs, measure from one inch to eight inches long. Their purpose is to imitate distressed or dying fish. Crankbaits sometimes float on the water's surface and submerged when reeled. Others are weighted with the intent to submerge at deeper levels. Anglers that enjoy using crankbaits often catch bass, pike and walleye.
Do the Jig
Jigs are used to catch a variety of fish, including perch and walleye. Composed of a blob of lead, which is shaped like a small fish head, a hook lies at one end while an eye is available at the other. Most anglers use night crawlers, leeches and minnows as common bait for jigs. Other uses of bait can be rubber tail, which is effective for luring predatory fish. Jigs are the most commonly used and considered a favorite lure for most anglers.
Types of Lure Material
Fishing lures can be made of almost any type of material. While typical lures are composed of plastic or metal, lures can also be made of wood, cork, rubber, feathers and string. Exotic lures can be found online or in specialty sports stores.
Lures are made to attract attention and catch fish. Despite what type of fish anglers are seeking, knowing the correct lure for specific fish types help them to make their big catch.
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