One of the biggest problems in bluegill fishing without live bait is presented a bait properly far away from shore. This is due to bluegill lures being too light, and sometimes a fisherman using line/rod and reel that is too heavy. Casting live bait without a bobber is impossible, the bait flies off the hook half the time and you end up feeding the fish for free. To really get a proper presentation to bluegill that are in the deeper water you need to start using some jigs, that in themselves, without a maggot or grub side dish, could fool bluegill all day long. Most store bought hair tied jigs are meant for walleye or bass, and they are much too big for the bluegill.
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However, many anglers are offering their creations to the world over the internet, and some of their offerings are truly amazing. Micro jigs, tied like flies are being developed by dedicated anglers who are sick of not having something affordable to present to hungry bluegill. These jigs need no bait tipping, they are more than delectable all by themselves.
Bass Fishing Isn't What it Used to Be - Tips From a Weekend Angler
The Thrill of That First Strike of the Day
Nothing quite matches that inner sensation when you feel a slight tug on your line, you give it a jerk and a largemouth bass breaks the surface of the otherwise calm waters. He leaps into the air and shakes the lure violently in an effort to toss it loose.
Largemouth bass are one of the most exciting game fish found in the lakes and ponds and slow running rivers in North America. Granted there are pickerel, northern pike and muskies and other real fighters, but their range is limited.
They have adapted to varied environments throughout the Eastern U.S. and their penchants for aggressive behavior have made largemouth bass the most popular sport fishing target in North America. It is the king of game fish in Florida.
Bass fishing for many is an absolute obsession. They spend tons of money on tackle, lures and fishing boats equipped with every electronic device imaginable. But for me, fresh water fishing is just a way to spend a few peaceful hours along the banks of a quiet little pond.
Fishing as often as I do-not nearly as much as I'd like-has put me behind the curve in sport fishing technology. I was amazed to see so many new lures, even in Walmart that I figured I needed to get back up to speed.
While dozens of different lures are used to land the big ones, some of the most popular types are listed below:
Crank Baits: have the look of baitfish or crawfish, which are favorites of small and largemouth bass. These come in various sizes, colors and shapes. Crank baits work well in most kinds of water, and you can fish fast and cover a lot of water to find the hungry ones. Using a crank bait has a learning curve but it will add to your arsenal of go-and-gettum lures.
Jerk Baits: This term refers to the action that you use to make the lure act like bait in distress and will encourage a strike. There are two basic types: one is the hard lure resembling a crankbait, but it has a much slimmer profile and smaller lip than the deep diving lures. The other kind is the soft plastic type.
Spinner Baits catch lots of bass and they are a good bait for covering a lot of water fast to where they are feeding. They do tend to catch bigger bass and they come in a wide variety of sizes, colors and blade shapes. They resemble baitfish and are a real treat for bass.
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Jig & Crawfish/Pig: A jig and pig is one of the top-rated big bass baits available for anglers. Many of the big bass tournaments are won with this lure because they do catch bigger bass. When worked along the bottom they resemble a crayfish and they look like an easy meal. The Jig and Pig has a pigskin trailer to complete the illusion.
Bucktail Jigs are a very basic lure that is very effective in catching fish, so effective it is included in many survival kits. Some models include plastic tails either straight or curly. All work well under a variety of conditions.
If you are wondering what the best color for a lure is, the best answer is, "There ain't one." Much depends on the time of day, sunny or cloudy sky, clear or murky water. So variety in color is your best way to go. But the pros say always have a few chartreuse lures in your kit too.
Marine Electronics - Lowrance Fishfinder Technology
The fast pace of modern technology means there is always a new gadget or device on the marine electronics market. For example, Lowrance recently introduced Broadband Sounder technology into their line of fishfinders. The Lowrance Broadband Sounderâ„¢ can actually see through structures to detect fish and is also capable of operating at high speed in deep water.
Lowrance has a strong reputation for reliable fishfinders and this new technology makes their product line more appealing than ever. The Lowrance Broadband Sounderâ„¢ offers increased capability for target separation and improved detail in shallow waters.
What Makes the Lowrance Broadband Sounderâ„¢ different?
Lowrance fishfinders with Lowrance Broadband Sounder™ use a 200 kHz single frequency transducer covering a 60° field of view. The transducer then sends out another signal at 83 KHz covering a 120° field of view. Because the scanning area is broader, targets remain in view for a longer period which means more information can be collected on the target, thus refining the details.
Using the Broadband Sounder technology Lowrance has overcome a common tradeoff. Typically a strong detail at the bottom has meant less definition in the shallow part of the cone. The new technology means greater definition of countours, thermoclines and underwater structures. The result is the ability to use the Lowrance fishfinder to locate fish hiding in grass, weeds, skirting rocks and otherwise playing hard to get.
When you crank up the power on a traditional transducer to increase detail in deeper waters, the result is often increased clutter. While there is more information it is often harder to decipher because of this increased clutter. The Lowrance Broadband Sounderâ„¢ reduces the clutter so when you turn up the gain on the fishfinder, the clutter is filtered, making the detail easier to understand and the fish easier to see. The technology is therefore really useful for clarity in deep water and at the bottom of a river, lake or seabed.
Advantages of The Lowrance Broadband Sounderâ„¢ Fishfinder
The new technology offered in Lowrance fishfinders provides strong bottom lock at high speeds in deep waters. It offers better clarity than previously possible in fishfinder technology and uses digital filtering algorithms to reduce clutter at high gain. This is heavy duty technology for serious fishermen. If you want to take your sportfishing to the next level, it could well be worth your while to look into the the Lowrance Broadband Sounderâ„¢ technology next time you are in the market for a fishfinder.
Find the best and the cheapest fishing tackle here at www.innovativefishingtackle.co.uk
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/bluegill-fishing-with-new-micro-jigs-they-wont-be-able-to-resist-4016588.html
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