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Wrecks can be anything from just a mile offshore to 35 / 40 miles offshore, which can mean that it will take several hours steaming to get to the chosen wrecks
There are two ways of fishing wreck - ever by drifting over the wreck with the tide or at anchor. The style depends on the tides and depth that the wreck is at . The skipper will always let you now what type he will be fishing on booking of the boat
How do charter boat skippers know were these wrecks are? Well it can be a case of the skipper literally spends many years of trial and error to find them. Or there are lots of books that will list likely wrecking marks
Skippers also use the latest electronics to help them. If you ever look in side a boats cabin you will see an array of fish finders and GPS navigation aid
What type of fish will I catch?
The idea of wreck fishing is to go after the lager fish that hold up on the wrecks. Fish are drawn to wrecks because they offers a reef / rocky out crop like environments
This means that fish can hold up in the wrecks as they offer shelter from the tides and a source of food
Fish that are generally target when wreck fishing are
Fish sizes vary but you can catch fish from just a few pounds in weight and up to over 100lb (conger)
Wreck fishing tackle
Quick tip - get proper wrecking booms of about 10 - 15 inches long as they keep the flowing trace away from your mainline
Pirks - These are lead made lures with a treble hook at the bottom of the pirk . You can use them in conjunction with muppets
Pirks - are worked by jigging them ( lifting the rod up and down )
Shads - Fish shaped lures that are worked by reeling in
Worms - Worm shaped lures that are worked by reeling in
Grubs - Often over looked but can be kill lures and are worked by reeling in
Quick tips
Vary the speed that you that you retrieve your lures and remember that the speed of the tide also effects the action of the lure
On the drop down keep you finger on you spool so that you control the speed of the decent. If you do not you will only end up with a birds nest (tangle)
When you are working your lures count how many turns up you get your fish. This will save time if they are being taken say 40 turns up as you can quickly go to that depth
Have a good supply of rigs made up as if you loose your rig on a wreck it can be quickly replaced ready for the next drift
Rods You will need a stand up boat rod such as a Penn Ugly stick with rods being 20lb test curve as begin the lighter work through to 50lb for the big conger and ling
The reels you will need to be using are multipliers. The reason for this is because they can handle the weight of bringing up fish from such depth. Also they carry a lot more line
Line There are two choices what type of line to use
Monofilament line This is the standard fishing line , which as the benefits of being able to stretch a little bit . As for your line strength this can vary from 20 to 50lb and more so if in doubt just ask your skipper for advice but as a guideline 25lb will handle most wrecking situations.
The down side to monofilament line is that of the diameter of the line which will get caught in the tidal flow causing the line to bow and will result is you having to use a heaver lead weight
If you are new to wrecking monofilament line is the best to go for
Braid fishing line
This is a very low diameter fishing line which gives you a much great contact with what is going on . Because of it lower diameter you will be able to use less weight to fish , which is a great bounce when pull fish from depths of a hundred feet or so
WARNING - Never use your hands to hold your line if it gets stuck on a wreck a you could loose your fingers. Let out plenty of line then rape your line round a piece of wood ect and then pull your line free. Skippers will always help you and have the correct piece of kit to get you free, if in doubt ask for help from the skipper
Lures - Buy Esca Lures online at - http://www.escalure.co.uk/
Lures are made from plastics and are design for their action in the water. Coming an a Variety of colours and even luminous (glow in low light conditions0
As the majority of fish you will be targeting when wreck fishing are predatory fish (fish that hunt and eat other fish) the most come form of fishing are with lures
The most common three are shads / grubs / pirks and worms
All of these are fished on a the rig below with the flowing trace of anything from 6 to 15 to 20 foot long (remember the skipper will help on best lengths).
Why I Love Fishing
Early on I got to learn what a pleasure it was to go fishing. My Dad was the one who showed me all about what was to become a lifelong pursuit. It didn't take long before I was hooked, I can tell you.
I especially loved being able to be away from the noise and confusion of everyday life, to be able to have my Dad all to myself and be able to sit and talk while we waited to get a "bite", and while sometimes this took all afternoon on other occasions it was just a minute or two before the fish took our bait. But the time spent waiting didn't matter to me since the pleasure wasn't just in reeling them in but in the whole package of what it entails to "go fishing"...
Patience, as we all know, is a key ingredient when it comes to fishing and a virtue I learned thanks to fishing. I should also say it's a virtue that has come in handy on more than one occasion too (and I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about), but I guess more than anything else what I really got to enjoy was being able to sit in the shade of a lovely tree, listening to the sounds of nature while I was able to think and relax before I got some lovely fish for dinner. I also love cooking the fish I catch and t there's nothing like eating fresh caught fish!
I spent some time in the mountains of California, above Palm Springs in a lovely little mountain village called "Idyllwild" where there was a nice reservoir, stocked with rainbow trout, where I used to hide out for the afternoon to fish and rest. It was a lovely place full of the sounds of birds chirping and the rustling of the leaves from the trees while the fresh breeze blew; I'd get to leave it all behind and spend time and to this day it's one of the fondest memories of my time there. What I wouldn't give to be able to live there for it was truly and idyllic place...
But whether fresh or salt water, it really doesn't matter to me as long as it's fishing, you know? It can be in a small canoe or by the edge of a lake, river or on the pier in the middle of the city, it really doesn't matter to me as long as I can spend some time doing one of my favorite pastimes of all- fishing...
You also get to meet the nicest people when you're fishing too! Laid back and friendly folks looking for the same thing that brought you to the spot you're sharing now... and for the most part the type of fish you catch doesn't make a lot of difference to me either, it's more the activity of fishing I crave and would not be crushed should I not be able to catch anything. Of course, it's always better when you do catch some great fish for dinner but those of you that love fishing can understand what I'm saying I'm sure...
I was reading all about the new fish finders the other day and it amazed me to think, since I only thought that these electronic gizmos were for the pro's, that now they've taken most of the guesswork out of fishing and by using these fish finders, you know exactly where the fish are and almost guarantee you'll get a good catch and plenty of fish. Wow, how about that? I'll be doing more reading on the latest advances on fishing for the "regular Joe" too, the more I think about it the more questions I have...
As a cook, having fresh fish as an ingredient is also a pleasure. Quality ingredients always improve any meal you make and the difference between fresh caught fish and store bought can be miles and miles apart, so if you've had a good fishing day, you can bet your meal will be that much better too!
GPS Technology and Fishing
What type of fisherman are you? Are you satisfied go out and drop your fishing line and be totally unconcerned about if you catch anything or not? Is the time that you spend with your family, friends or even by your self enjoying nature what your trip is really all about? If you don't caught anything that's fine-you can always stop at the fish shop on the way home, but it would be nice if you caught something. Or do you feel like your trip's been ruined because you didn't caught anything, and go home frustrated. Or is fishing how you make your living, either by catching fish or taking customers out to fish? If you take a customer out to do some deep sea fishing, it would be much better to bring home a happy customer with his catch, who could be possibly a repeat customer or tells his friends about how great his trip was bringing you additional work. A frustrated customer will think twice about using your services again and when planning his next trip, might go elsewhere and may be steering other potential customers away from you. What if there was a way to make sure you go where the fish are? What if there was a way to guarantee that you would catch your limit, to be able to ensure that your customers will go home happy and raving about your great service.
With GPS technology it is now possible to go where the fish are and to remember the spot so you can relocate it. The other good thing about using a GPS while on the water is safety. You can enter the spot where you put your boat in the water in the memory of your GPS unit. Most GPS units hold at least 500 landmarks or areas where you want to get to. If you run into fog or bad weather you should be able to find your way back. Also if you stay out longer than expected you can find your way back in the dark. If you run into an emergency while on the water, you can call someone and let them know your coordinates, and then they could find you. If someone falls overboard a GPS unit can pinpoint the exact area where the incident happened and helping rescue crews with their rescue. This allows you to enjoy your day and not worry about getting back to land safely.
A chart plotter GPS with a map chip can give you your position relative to land features, water depth, and harbor entrances. Using a GPS with a water depth can allow you to follow the bottom looking for fish. It is also possible to let others know about a spot that you have found by using GPS coordinates.
Often people like to fish around a wreck, with a GPS unit you can enter the location of the wrecks to be able to find them easily. Plus knowing where a wreck is only part of the scenario, you need to know how deep that wreck is and if there are any areas you need to avoid. Often a fishing trip starts out before daylight, with a GPS you can pinpoint where you are going.
No matter what your intent is when you go fishing. A GPS can enhance that experience
Buy Esca Lures online at - http://www.escalure.co.uk/
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/here-we-will-explain-the-basics-of-wreck-fishing-3882060.html
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