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Fishing Knot Characteristics and the Basic Rules for Tying Knots

Fishing Lines are by and large flexible and pliant to suit any fishing need. Fishing Knots are therefore defined by certain characteristics that render them particular relevant for use with monofilament or braided fishing lines. Knots are designed to suit a fishing rod or a fishing kit by running through the 'eyes' and 'rings'. Most fishing knots are made using multiple wraps or tightly wound and stretched turns giving them structure that changes with load factor; with the fishing line being cast and recast, the inner lines become outer wraps while the outer wraps or turns are pulled tighter into the knot.

Main characteristics that define fishing knots:

• Compactness
• Reliability
• Lubrication
• Tightness
• Trimming

Estimates state that there must be a thousand different knots used by people, most going by the book and the others going by what the situation demands. There are simple knots and there are complicated knots but learning the basics is what's important.

When learning to tie fishing knots, the important points to remember is what is expected from the knot. The three most important of these are:

1. Strength - knots are kinks in a fishing rod or line that bend it and cause weakening. Hence, going for knots that add strength are vital.

2. Ease of tying the knot - once a knot is learned, the method of tying can never be forgotten. However, simplicity and ease matters a great deal when tying fishing knots.

3. Purpose of the knot - every knot has a specialty and therefore understanding the specific purpose of each knot is advantageous.

There is a vast amount of information and illustrations which are very useful and helpful in learning how to tie fishing knots. But beyond learning the intricacies, a comprehensive understanding of their characteristics and basics is a must for every fisher or angler.

Basic rules for tying fishing knots

A fishing bow is the only thing that stands between a fisher and the fish he or she is catching. A simple slip can turn what would have been a thrilling experience into one of dismay and disappointment. Adhering to some basic rules of tying fishing knots can help savor the experience of fishing

1. Practice makes perfect - familiarizing the knots required by constantly practicing tying them

2. Lubrication of knots with water or saliva not oil is very important as knots are highly susceptible to heat caused by friction which can weaken or damage the line. Knots should be tightened slowly and steadily not with a flourish!

3. Testing the tied knot by tugging it gently can give an idea of its strength.

4. It should be remembered that larger fishing lines need less turns or wraps while smaller ones require more.

5. The bow should be open while taking up slack.

6. Avoiding kinked or overlapping lines.

7. Braided fishing lines usually require doubling the lines while knots are being tied.

8. If the bow doesn't look or feel right, then the best thing to do would be unravel and retie till it looks right and feels right.

