The best baits and lures used to catch it may be live bait such as worms and minnows, crankbaits or jigs. The main thing we should remember is that the bait and the lures should be placed close to the bottom of the water, where it prefers to stay. These types of fish are not particular about food at all. The eating process for them is like an instant instinct, so they will be able to eat your baits quite fast. This is why you should give them some time to do it, so you will not pull the bait out too fast and loose your prey. In case you are fishing in deeper waters, walleye can become a little harder fish to catch, because of its habit to stay near the bottom. But this is not impossible to do it in case you use the right rig, which in this case may be the fish finder rig.
On the market you may find several types of lures really useful for you to catch walleye. These are the Walleye slayer, the Injured Minnow, the Walleye diver, or the 4 Disc grub. These are used according with the type of waters you are looking for walleye. There may be other choices on the market, but these are the most popular lures. So in case you are in search for such a tasty fish, you should get some information first, before you start your fishing experience.
Trout Fishing Lures Without Getting Reeled In
If you've done any research at all, you've surely seen that trout fishing lures come in a vast array of options. At some level, the trout fishing lures you choose to work with will be based on your individual tastes. Of course, your preferences and tastes will be driven by your level of experience, comfort with the various choices, and also what you think the fish are drawn to on any given excursion.
Among the most popular of trout fishing lures is the spinner. This is the gear that's in play if you've heard people talk about going spinner fishing, just as you know people are using some sort of flies if they are fly fishing. Spinners are a class of trout fishing lures that are intended to imitate like the types of prey the fish eat in their natural habitat. But don't be confused, because the spinners can mimic the prey without necessarily looking like them. At any rate, what you really want to do is have a nice selection of tout fishing lures so you can adjust for whatever curve balls are thrown your way and roll with the punches.
Keep in mind that the season will also be a factor when you are choosing among trout fishing lures. For instance, trout tend to hover near the bottom during spring, and they move more slowly after the cold of winter. The best bait may just be something that strikes a balance between getting snagged on the bottom and zipping by overhead. And when the creeks and rivers of bursting with snow melt and runoff, you can do well with spinners and worm rigs. A worm with a non-weighted spinner works good. Allow it to scoot along the bottom, with maybe just a bit of split-shot.
Other popular trout fishing lures, alongside spinners, are the spoons. The spoons have, as you might guess, spoon-shaped ends that wobble when they are reeled in. Due to this, they resemble a bait fish. The main thing to note is that the immediate feeding patterns of the fish will dictate whether or not it's appropriate to use spoons. Interestingly, trout are more inclined to attack a spoon when there aren't as many bait fish around. Note that your spoons offer a wide array of options, with different shapes, weights, sizes, etc. I prefer to use something that is a bit heavier in early spring, as long as it is under one inch in length.
Trout fishing lures commonly include not only spinners and spoons, but also rooster tails too. These are created to resemble minnows, which are a popular food that occur naturally for trout, and the rooster tails will usually have several inches of hair at the end. These come in a number of different varieties, and they are found in versions that float on top and others that will dive down. You can manipulate the front of the lure to cause it to dive to various levels. You just have to be cautious when doing the, because they can break easily.
While this might sound like a lot to consider, actually choosing the best trout fishing lures is only the start. There's a whole new realm that deals with casting. It's beyond the scope of this article, but note that it's usually best to cast upstream if you are using spinners. You can maximize the use of the natural currents this way and fish across a wide stretch of creek. At the end of the day, just keep searching until you find what works, but avoid getting lured into buying everything in sight. Then, when you get something that is working, roll with it!
Fishing Lures - Why It's So Important To Choose Quality Lures
Fishing has to be the ultimate accessory sport, doesn't it? I mean, look around at any major tackle outlet or read any popular fishing magazine and just look at the range of gadgets, gizmos and thingummybobs on the market, all vying for your limited fishing budget. It's crazy! But the thing that always amazes me is how few anglers stop to think about THE most important pieces of tackle in those big, cluttered, jam packed stores - FISHING LURES!
Your fishing lures are THE most important tackle you own.
Why? Lets imagine for a moment that you've just purchase the best lure fishing rod on the market and you've coupled it with a state of the art, high end reel loaded with expensive gel spun line. Now let's imagine you are standing on the bow of your late model, fully rigged boat wearing your expensive Polaroid sunglasses and nudging the boat into some likely water using the remote control on your electric trolling motor. Perfect, right? Now, what's tied to the end of your line? I've lost count of the number of times I've seen similar scenarios, and the lure at the end of the line is a $5 bargain basement special that was picked up from the clearance bin at the local department store. What a waste! Think about this:
- It doesn't matter how good your rod is, how sensitive the tip, how well it casts or how much grunt it has during the fight. If you are casting rubbish lures you'll be catching less fish than you should be.
- You can have the best reel with the silkiest drag and the strongest, thinnest line on the market. If you're casting lures that aren't effective you're missing out on lots of fish, simple as that
- You can have a state of the art boat and use it to get yourself into some outstanding fishing locations. But all of that is a waste of money if the fish are going to reject your lure, or worse, if the lure is made of cheap materials and won't stand up to tough fish.
Get the picture? The lure is what the fish sees. The lure is the critical link between all of your high tech gear and the fish. If the lure doesn't work properly then you've wasted your money on all that other stuff. Cheap lures are the most expensive...... What do I mean by this? Put simply, poor quality fishing lures cost you money and fish and leave you disappointed. If you're a serious fisherman you have probably not only bought great rods, reels and other tackle, but you use them regularly. This means you're also spending money on some of the following: fuel, accommodation, fishing licences, food, fishing clothing etc. You may also be paying for boat hire or a guide, or you have your own boat and pay for registration, maintenance and repairs. Fishing is an expensive exercise! If you are paying for all of this already, how much sense does it make to tie any old cheapie lure onto your line when that lure will cost you fish? Don't get me wrong, sometimes you'll find some really good lures in those specials bins - but you need to learn to recognise good lures and/or stick to brands you can trust that may be on special.
Don't make this mistake! We tend to fish for some pretty tough fish in some pretty formidable, snaggy habitat. I often hear people say "I'll grab a few of these cheapies to toss in the snags. That way I won't cry when I lose one". Of course, those cheapies tend to be ineffective and just don't hook fish. Or, more commonly, they are poorly built with cheap, lightweight hooks and rings. By the time you fit them with new hooks and rings they are not cheap lures anymore! It's ironic, but you really need to throw your best, toughest lures into really tough snags to have any real chance of extracting tough fish from heavy cover.
What's the answer? In my view, there are 3 options:
- Buy good quality lures. Good brands made with solid components. Learn to recognise quality lures - if you start by buying good brands and then purchase a few cheapies you'll soon start to see the differences. If you need to keep the costs down, I'd recommend looking at online options for buying your lures. I love to support tackle shop owners, I do. But if you lose a lot of lures you need to be able to afford to keep fishing and you can buy some really good stuff online for much less.
- Buy custom fishing lures. These are not cheap and there's no real avoiding that. But think back to how much your cheap lures are actually costing you. You are better to have a dozen really good quality, functional lures in your box than a hundred poor quality ones.
- Make your own wooden lures. This is my favourite option, of course. It enables me to control the quality of the lures I use and to design lures specifically to catch fish under particular conditions. It also makes it very cheap to own a whole lot of very high quality lures - less than $1 each for most freshwater lures.
So there you have it. I hope you this article helped you to clarify your thinking and that you now see the value in having really good quality lures. Leave the cheap, nasty lures for the masses and start being selective about what you tie on your line. You'll find that quality lures are much better value!
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/selecting-fishing-lures-for-walleye-3874379.html
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