Night fishing is not as uncommon if we come to think about it. Some one might wonder as to why someone would want to fish at night when it would be so much more difficult to see! There are certain reasons why it is in fact better to fish for bass at night. Bass feed more in the dark, so it is a lot easier to catch them. In the summer, instead of fishing and fighting with the bass in the scorching sun, it is much better to fish at night, it is a lot cooler and comfortable.
You don't just go out bass fishing at night without any preparation. You need to make sure that you have all the equipments at hand that will help you fish at night at the same time keep you safe in the dark. Underwater fishing lights are a pre requisite. But it should not be just about any under water light! A fluorescent Light of 25-40 watts is what you need. These bright lights attract planktons that bait fish feed on and bass love these bait fish. Casting your rig close to the edge of the light source is going to make your fishing trip successful. It is thus also important to pick a fishing spot wisely.
Surface lighting is as important as underwater lighting when you are out there fishing at night. As a safety measure, these surface lights will help you identify the other recreational boaters or fishermen in the water and reduces the chance of an accident. The light will help attract insects, which in turn will attract bait fish. Hang these lights outside your boat to keep these insects away from you. The lights are for our safety, bass can see much better in the dark.
It is best if you use live baits to catch bass at night. Shiners are great as live baits. If you can't find them at your local bait store, opt for plastic worms, crank baits, jigs are also good to use. Color does not really matter, but black bait will have a better silhouette. Keep both baits handy, you never know which one you mighty just need.
Planning ahead of the trip is surely going to help. Do a little research as where bass feed at night so that you can set up there. A check list of items that you need is also important. Three complete fishing rigs would be a good idea so that you are ready when it is dark. If you do not catch any fish in the very first hour of fishing, don't get discouraged; bass takes an hour to adjust their sight to see after dark. Ideally you should get into the water before dark and map out the locations as to where to find fish. A GPS will come in handy at this point- you can lock the co ordinates of these fishing spots.
When fishing at night, you should be even more careful. A personal floating device is mandatory. It is also important to study the regulations of the lake where you plan to go fishing. Keep your fishing license with you. Some extra batteries, a first aid kit should also be there on the boat with you. Study a few fishing reports to get an idea about night fishing at that particular place. Once you have a successful night fishing trip, you would want o come back again and again.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/try-bass-fishing-at-night-5322821.html
About the AuthorAllan Simons is a renowned writer on fishing reports and fishing spots. He wants to make fishing a lot easier for all those who share the same passion and love for fishing.