Just like there are screwdrivers, hammers, shovels have different specific functions in spite of them being tools; similarly there are different types of hooks with specific functions. The size of the hooks and the shapes vary according to the various types and sizes of fish mouths. For a novice all fishing hooks look alike, but an experienced angler knows that the key to catching a lot of fish is to use the right hook for the right fish.
Fish hooks are made with hi carbon steel or alloy steel but in olden days they were crafted with animal and human bones, wood and stone. Just as we use different types of fishing rods for saltwater fish and freshwater fish, we also have different types of hooks for freshwater fish as well as saltwater fish. It is very confusing o be standing in front of numerous types of fishing hooks on display in the tackle shop and then deciding what to get. It is thus important to know the various types and functions of these fishing tackles.
IF catch and release is what you want to find pleasure in, then use a barb less hook. These hooks are easier to set on a fish's mouth and easier to take out without causing damage. It has tiny barbs on the shank of the hooks and thus the name. I prevent the bait from sliding off the hook.
A single J hook is one of the most common of fishing hooks. It has a wider gap between the point and the shank of the hook and thus is an excellent to hook in a bait of a considerable large size.
Aberdeen hooks are made of a thin wire and bend easily. It has a long shank and a small eye. One of the simplest form of hooks, these are best for small fish like pan fish and mullet.
Three single hooks are forged together to form the well known treble hook, which has a single eye but is effective for catching salmon. The three hooks are evenly placed and this feature increases the chance of hooking a fish.
Another type of fishing hook is the circle hook, but it requires a lot of technique to know how to catch a fish with it. A circle hook spears the fish on the lips at the corner of the mouth. It is important to know the correct technique of using this hook because the opposite will make one lose the fish.
The above mentioned are a handful of hooks from a range of thousand types of hook types and combination. Since the hooks are used in different types of water, care is taken to make them accordingly. Saltwater hooks are made in such a way so as to resist corrosion. What metal is being used to make a particular hook also is a matter of concern, the size, the weight, the type all the specifications will determine whether one is able to hook a fish or not.
Not only that, the fishing hooks also determine what kind of fishing knot can be tied to it and weather it will hold or not. Fishing knots and fishing hooks together doubles the chances of catching a fish.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/fishing-hooks-of-different-types-5333130.html
About the AuthorAllan Simons is a young fishing buff from Australia who is also a keen fisherman. He writes various articles on fishing tackles, fishing lures and all that is related to fishing.