Taking your child fishing is a time honored tradition unparalleled by other childhood memories. Most fathers dream of fishing with their kids, relaxing and teaching them the patience and skill that it takes to reel in the big one. If you are considering taking your kid fishing for the first time, here are a few tips to ensure that you have a memorable trip.
The first rule of fishing with your child is to make it a fun experience. Do not make promises that you cannot keep. Make sure that they are aware that it is possible to have a lot of fun, even if you do not catch anything. You can have a lot of fun out on the water, whether it is on a pier, in the grass or on a mini pontoon boat. Canoes and pontoon boats can be fun for a kid whether they actually fish or not.
Allow your child to explore the water. Aquarium nets are great for catching tadpoles and minnows. Do not force your child to fish if they are too young to be interested for very long. Let them try to skip rocks and see what floats and what sinks.
Be prepared when you go. Kids' fishing poles are relatively inexpensive and often come with a small tackle box. Bring some different kinds of bait and let your child pick which ones they like. Using live bait is always a treat and usually an effective lure for just about any type of fish. Bring enough snacks and drinks to keep your kid going. Packing a picnic is a good idea. Kids also get a kick out of using leftover bread or lunch meat as tackle. Use imaginative language and say things like, "I wonder if the fish will like to eat the same things we do." Self-casting rods are fun for kids and they don't tangle very easily. You can teach your child to cast in the yard before you go fishing if you would like.
Remember to keep the mood light and don't put any undue pressure on the child. Don't forget to bring a camera with you on the trip! Be encouraging and give lots of praise. This is your chance to spend some uninterrupted quality time together. You can instill a lifelong love of fishing and the outdoors in your child during trips like this. Point out the importance of keeping the water clean for the fish. Talk about how beautiful and precious nature is and encourage them to care about their environment.
If the goal is to really catch some fish, then you might consider a stock pond for your trip. Stock ponds are generally easy to fish and even an inexperienced child can actually catch a lot of fish. If you have the land, you might consider getting your own stock pond in your yard. Also, getting a fishing pontoon boat or fishing pontoon boat can make any fishing trip a real adventure no matter what your age!
Brad Metzler is the owner of Pond King Inc., an industry leader in the production and sale of Pontoon Boats, Mini Pontoon Boats, Floating Docks, Honey Hole Trees, and Turtle Traps. Pond King Inc. also consists of Lake and Pond Management Professionals that are dedicated to finding the most economical solutions and strategies for your fish stocking needs. For more information, please visit http://www.pondking.com
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