No matter how much we disagree, there are times we have lost some of our good catches just because the fishing knot was not properly tied. Fishing knots are pretty tiny and this may be a reason why we forget them completely. Whoever thinks fishing is easy is wrong. They have no idea how hard it is to hook a fish. You need to get the right bait, at the right location; at the right time and only then will the fish decide if it will choose your bait as its meal. No wonder if after taking all these pain you lose your catch because of a ‘stupid' knot, it is going to be utterly frustrating.
If you are still wondering as to why you should learn tying the fishing knots, here is your answer: it is important for your fishing success. A few less experienced anglers blame it on the line breaking when they lose the fish instead of understanding the real cause behind losing the catch – the flawed knot. It might look a tad it intimidating but tying a knot is really not as tedious or complicate as it apparently looks. It is however going to take some good amount of genuine practice.
Exactly what type of fishing knots you need to practice depends on the fish you are targeting. Fly fishermen use certain type of knots than hardcore bass fishermen. The fishing line also has a role to play in this regard. It is the same reason why fishing knots are different for braided fishing line and monofilament lines. On an average three to four basic knots are all that an angler needs to master. Initially all knots related to fishing looks very difficult to remember, let alone practice them later. But with a little patience, these knots become easy to tie.
Today internet is the answer to almost anything under the sun. You want to learn a few fishing knots? Search the internet and you will find innumerable options. Knot just the knot but you will also find some very useful insights to where and when these knots are ideal to use; what type of line, what type of lure, what type of water etc. This information will only make you more equipped with knowledge related to fishing. You will not be able to master these fishing knots overnight, it is going to take some for sure.
The main purpose behind learning to tie knots is to avoid losing fish that is attached to your lure, hook, or terminal tackle to your fishing line. What type of knot is going to benefit you exactly is for you to decide. Do a little research on your target fish. Select a few knots and practice tying them until you have learnt it by heart. This will definitely save you from losing a lot of those prized catches when you are on a fishing trip. Learning to tie fishing knots also helps you from being at your wit's end.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/mastering-the-fishing-knots-for-fishing-success-5444683.html
About the AuthorAllan Simons is an expert fisherman from Australia. He writes various articles on fishing, fishing knots and fishing tackles.