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No other artificial walleye lure will catch walleyes as consistently as a lead head jig designed specifically for the walleye. If you think about it, there is an excellent reason the walleye jig is so universal. Walleye spend the majority of there time on the bottom of what ever type of water they are located in.
Among the most versatile of artificial lures for walleye , a walleye jig can be fished many different ways.You can cast from and anchored or drifting boat, jig vertically for walleye while drifting with the wind or current, or troll slowly while bumping the jig along the bottom. And, you can fish a walleye jig plain when the walleyes are biting, or you can tip it with live bait when the fishing is slow.
Casting walleye fishing jigs
One of the most commonly used fishing techniques used while jigging for walleye is casting. Casting works great when the walleye move into the shallows and is typically the preferred method by most walleye anglers in this situation.If the walleyes are in the shallows it's important not to spook them. Make sure you anchor far enough away, but still being able to cast into the shallows.
If you plan on working a shallow reef , anchor in a deep water position , so the the wind will push you to the edge of the reef. If do not get any walleye bites, don't quit! move you your boat about 20yards to left or right and anchor again. Repeat this process until you get a walleye hit.
If the walleye are not schooled, and are located at different points about the reef, or breakline, drift your your boat near the reef or breakline but but not on it, then cast your walleye fishing jig towards the shallows working the jig back towards you.I would recommend you have your electric trolling motor ready to keep you running parallel with the reef or breakline.Use your trolling motor to keep you boat drifting parallel to the reef or breakline. If you catch a walleye toss out a marker and work the area until the fish stop biting then move on.
If the walleyes are suspended off the bottom , count your jig for walleye down to different depths after you cast then begin to reel your line in. When you get a strike make sure you remember your count. (I right it down). Then repeat the same count on the next cast.
Remember casting jigs for walleye work best when the fish or in the shallows.
Best Bass Lures - Exploring the Best Bass Fishing Lures
In this article I'm going to outline some of the more popular and effective bass fishing lures on the market today, and the attributes that make them this way. By reading this quick article you can learn about lures you may not have heard about, and add them to your bass fishing repertoire. With any luck one or all of these fishing lures will help you have your best fishing season ever.
The most important aspect of any type of fishing is to spend as much time as possible on the water practicing your craft. Practice is the biggest key to bass fishing success. Mark Reid once said, "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice, there is." No truer words may have ever been spoken, and the point is to take this information and get out on the water and use it.
Let's get down to the best bass lures, shall we?
- Spinner Baits - These shiny, strange looking fishing lures look more like a wind chime than a fishing bait, but when it comes to bass fishing (especially in the case of large mouth bass) spinner baits can be hard to beat. The basic philosophy with spinner baits is that the large blade (or blades) attracts the bass, and then the jig on the hook "seals the deal", as it were. Spinner baits fished in and around fallen trees or heavy cover can be a deadly bass fishing tactic. These baits come in many sizes, with many blade sizes and colors, and are sold in every imaginable color. As far as bass fishing lures are concerned, spinner baits are one of the best.
- Jigs - The most popular sizes of bass fishing jigs are 1/4, 3/8, & 1/2 ounce. Jigs are tipped with twister tails of many varieties and in some instances pork trailers are added to the hook. Some anglers say the "jig and pig" has a much more natural and lifelike movement than jigs without the pork trailer. This is all for the individual angler to decide. Bass jigs are fished slowly around heavy cover, and can be an extremely effective lure.
- Crank Baits - Crank baits have to be on the list of the best bass lures. These baits come in a variety of styles, most of which imitate either minnows or shad. Crank baits can be fished at a variety of depths and speeds and are extremely popular. Some bass anglers fish exclusively with these baits, so they must be effective. Some of the more popular and effective crank baits include: Rat-L-Traps, Bomber Shad, Bandit Crankbaits, KickTail Minnows (maybe the most realistic crank bait ever), and Rapala Minnows, to name a few. The point is that crank baits have to be considered among the best bass lures.
- Soft Plastics - The most popular soft plastic in the bass fishing arena is the plastic worm. Anyone who has fished for bass has undoubtedly fished a plastic worm. Berkley has revolutionized the fishing world with the development of their Gulp products. These are plastic worms that have bass attracting natural scents impregnated in them. They make bass fishing with soft plastics that much more effective. Whether you're bass fishing with a Carolina rig or wacky worm, soft plastics are extremely popular and effective bass fishing lures.
Buy Esca Lures online at - http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Innovative-Fishing-Tackle/
This was a small list of all of the bass fishing lures available to bass anglers. These bas lures are simply some of the more popular and effective. If you aren't familiar with any of these lures, add them to your bass fishing repertoire, sooner rather than later. And don't forget the most important aspect of any of these baits...spending time using them.
Tips and Techniques For Jig Fishing Walleyes
Jig fishing for walleyes can be a very effective technique that can be used in a variety of situations from shallow water to deep water, and from the winter season to summer time. Because it's up to the angler to put the desired action into the jig, this lure can be used for sluggish or aggressive fish. I would have to say that a jig is the most versatile walleye lure on the market today.
For the majority of situations, especially on rivers, you will be working the jig along the bottom, as that's where the walleyes will be. To select the weight of the jig head to use simply use whatever weight it takes to maintain feel of the bottom. In most cases you will want to use the lightest jig possible to maintain feel of the bottom.
Lift And Drop
When casting jigs the most common retrieve is the "lift and drop". After casting allow the jig to sink to the bottom, then reel in the slack line and lift the jig off the bottom with your rod. Once your rod reaches about the 11:00 position, allow the jig to sink back to the bottom. Because lifting the jig off the bottom is the attractor to the fish be sure to experiment with the distance and speed of this motion. Now lower your rod tip until you feel the jig hit bottom. It is very critical that you follow the jig back to the bottom with a tight line, as this is when most walleyes will strike the lure. If you don't reel in slack line while the jig drops you won't be able to feel a strike.
Vertical Jigging
Another method of fishing jigs from a boat is "vertical jigging". This technique is best suited when fishing from a boat in water depths of 9 to 40 feet deep. Although most walleye won't be found deeper than 20 feet, many sauger will be found 20 to 40 feet deep in the winter to early spring. Vertical jigging is also best for the sluggish fish found in the cooler waters of late fall, winter, and early spring.
To vertical jig for walleyes and sauger the anglers boat should be moving down stream at the same speed of the current. Next simply raise your jig off the bottom, and slowly drop your rod tip until you feel the jig touch the bottom, then repeat this motion. As with the "lift and drop" technique be sure to keep a tight line when dropping the jig back down so that you can feel a walleye strike your jig. Be sure to experiment how you're fishing the jig until you find what the fish want the most. In most cases the lightest jig possible will catch the most fish.
Dragging Jigs
Dragging jigs is simply as the name implies. Typically a 1/8 to 1/4 ounce jig will be used. Simple let out about 1 ½ times amount of line as the water depth and allow the jig to drag along the bottom. When fishing from a boat in a lake either drift with the wind or use your trolling motor. In a river simply drift downstream, or use your trolling motor to drag the jig upstream. This technique works the best for sluggish fish in colder water. When dragging a jig don't be afraid to use larger plastics, such as 5 inch ringworms, or 4-5 inch twister grubs.
Jig Fishing Tips:
1. While the weight of the jig selected is the first decision, the next decision will be the length of the plastic twister tail, or etc. use. This most depends upon the time of year and how aggressive the fish are. I would recommend a plastic bait in length of 3 to 5 inches.
2. The color of the plastic twister tail or ringworm will most often make a huge difference. Generally speaking, user more natural colors in clear water such as black, purple, and blue. When fishing dirty water use plastics with brighter colors such as orange, chartreuse, or yellow.
3. Hair jigs tipped with a 2 - 3 inch minnow can be really effective for both walleyes and sauger from winter to early spring time.
4. To catch a larger percentage of fish that are short striking your jig and minnow combination try using a stinger hook. A stinger hook is a small treble hook attached to the hook of your jig with a short piece of mono fishing line. When hooking the minnow towards the tail with the stinger hook be sure to leave slack in the line so the minnow can move and look natural.
5. Heavy or large diameter fishing line is a detriment to the angler, as it will reduce the action of a jig, and also requiring the angler to select a heavier jig to reach the bottom.
6. Don't be afraid to try fishing a plain jig tipped with a minnow, night crawler, or leech. On some days it can be just the ticket.
7. If your getting a lot of snags when fishing jigs you are most like using to heavy of jig, or not maintaining feel of the bottom when vertical jigging, meaning you are dragging. Although dragging can be an effective technique it is only practical on smooth bottoms.
Buy Esca Lures online at - http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Innovative-Fishing-Tackle/
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/fishing-jig-casting-vertical-jigging-tips-and-methods-3882286.html
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