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Very few fisherman take advantage of the fantastic opportunities you have when you go night fishing for any species such as crappie, walleye, catfish or bass probably because they just don't know how. You will be amazed at the variety of different fish you will catch at night even if you are targeting a specific species of fish such as walleye. Today I want to give you some simple night fishing tips that will help you to become a better night fisherman.
#1 Underwater fishing lights.
I always put this item at the top of my night fishing equipment list and for good reason. The best florescent submersible's use 25-40watts of power , and they emit 1000 to 3000 lumens per tube.It is amazing how much plankton these lights will attract. These little organisms are the primary food source of most of the small bait fish that game such as bass love to attack. Bait fish are the main ingredient that is needed to have a successful night fishing trip. These lights absolutely are useful in attracting game fish such as walleye to your night fishing location. When you have a swarm or ball of bait fish surrounding your underwater fishing light anything can happen. All you need to do is cast your rigs out close to the edge of your light source and you are ready for an exciting night. I love going night fishing because of the variety of game fish you can catch at night. You can catch walleye,catfish,crappie and bass ! It doesn't matter they are all their for an easy meal.And it is my opinion I could of caught very few of these fish without a good underwater fishing light source.
#2 Surface night fishing lights.
Surface lighting is very important not only for fishing but for your safety. I want to identify two primary areas that surface lighting will help you. The number one reason is for your safety. At a very minimum you need to at least have your night running lights on when you are night fishing. You need to identify yourself to other night fisherman and recreational boaters. There have been a a lot of watercraft accidents because did not do this very simple step of identification. The second reason is very important too. The light source will pro-ject across the surface and attract insects, yes I said attract insects! Insects attract bait fish and bait fish attract mare game fish! Just make sure you hang these lights outside of your boat so you keep most of the insects away from you. If you use a Coleman type lantern for night fishing make sure you shield the side facing into the boat so the light reflect back out and across the water. This limit the amount of insects that will attack you in the boat.
#3 Pre-Planning is important! Before you decide to go night fishing it is very important to do some preplanning. Make a check list of all the items that will be essential after nightfall. Also get out and scout the areas you want to night fish for the evening. If you have a GPS to mark them that would be great. If you do not have a GPS identify land marks that you will be able to identify after night fall.
I hope the information I have provided about underwater fishing lights will help you on your next fishing trip! God bless and a good day to you.
Night Fishing Lights and Underwater Fishing Lights - Amazing Tips to Catch Crappie!
Underwater fishing lights are a very important part of my twilight fishing trips and very useful to catch a variety of freshwater and saltwater game fish, such as catfish, walleye, crappie, and bass red snapper, to name a few. I will explain why in my article today. Submerged lighting for night fishing can be used to catch both saltwater and freshwater species of fish that are predominately night feeders. These lights can give you a significant edge so think seriously about learning how to use them on your next fishing trip. In the following paragraphs I want to identify the key reasons underwater lighting used when fishing at night is so powerful.
It amazes me that very few night fishermen use this secret of life to their advantage when they are fishing at night. This simple little process of life is key to the entire earth's food chain. Once you learn how to identify the process you can exploit it and make it work to your advantage.
This process is really no secret at all, but very few fisherman use it to their advantage. It's a shame because it can make your night fishing trips sensational if you learn how to use it to your advantage. The process has two parts to it and they are what is called "Phytoplankton" and "Zooplankton". And I will tell you later in the article how to exploit them but first let me explain what they are.
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What Is Phytoplankton - And Why It Is Essential to finding night fishing "honey holes"?
Phytoplankton is at the very bottom of the food chain. They are what is called the "plant form of plankton. They are made up tiny particles called "diatoms" of which there is golden algae, and green algae, and also what is called "cyanobacteria". And you all are probably thinking what does this have to do with night fishing! All you really need to remember here is that without Phytoplankton there would be no food chain. Phytoplankton is at the very bottom of the food chain and is the process that kick starts the entire food chain process.
The "Zooplankton Animal" - What it is and why its essential when you set up your night fishing lights.
To make it simple, Zooplankton is the "animal form" of Plankton. The Zooplankton primarily feeds on the Phytoplankton and wherever there is Phytoplankton present you will find Zooplankton. These two microorganisms start the whole food chain process rolling. Both are present in all freshwater and saltwater bodies of water at many different depths. The key point to remember here is all types of bait fish need Zooplankton as a food source to survive. And of course all game fish such as bass, crappie, walleye, catfish, and red snapper to name a few need bait fish to survive.
Zooplankton - Where to find it and what does it look like?
Actually Zooplankton are very easy to identify when you know what to look for. You need to be able to look for too basic things before you set up your night fishing equipment and submerged lighting sources. They are "Chlorophyll" and Zooplankton when you find one the other will be present.
Make sure you start your night fishing trip for night fall and look for "stained water" areas they will look dark green in color. This is where the huge Chlorophyll patches will be located. Amazingly if you use underwater fishing lights you can actually attract Chlorophyll patches even if you don't start fishing near one. Drop your anchors and set up your night fishing equipment here. Make sure you drop your underwater fishing light source as soon as possible after you get set up.
Well folks that concludes my article on night fishing, night fishing equipment, underwater fishing light, submerged fishing lights, fishing at night, and Zooplankton. Stay tuned for more articles on the subject of night fishing. May your next fishing trip be a success!
Common Types of Fishing Indicators
There are various ways that anglers go about registering when the fish has taken their bait. Some traditional indicators have been around for centuries; others, such as night floats and electronic alarms, are modern.
The most traditional bite indicators are floats, which exist in a myriad of different forms, in order to cope with various conditions and angling styles. As with all tackle, good products are available from several manufacturers.
Float design varies to cope with the fishing style involved, and generally those floats used for river work have their body bulk higher on the stem for stability of riding a current, while Stillwater floats carry their bulk much lower to minimize the effects of drift.
The earliest form of legering incorporated a ball of dough hung on the line between the reel and first rod ring to form an angle. A bite was signaled by the line tightening and the dough bobbin rising. This term now includes any free-hanging bite indicator, which may be the top of a washing-up liquid bottle or sophisticated commercially made bobbins incorporating beta lights for night fishing.
Most anglers equip their bobbins with a retaining cord, tied to the rod rest, to prevent them being lost on a hard strike. The cord can be loaded with lead wire to make the bobbin heavier and counteract drift.
Butt Indicators
Butt indicators are pivoted arms set at the front rod rest, with the head of the indicator placed on the line a short distance in front of the reel. There are several types available.
The arm developed by Bob Henderson features a cleverly designed angled slot in the head, so that the indicator automatically falls away from the line when it reaches the horizontal. Many butt indicators have a problem of resistance to the line when they are pulled out of their retaining device. With the Henderson, the line falls away sweetly, totally resistance free.
For deadbait fishing for predators, when the reel is often fished free spool, butt indicators can be mounted on the rear rod rest, so that they rise and then pull off the line when a run starts. Recommended for fishing this style, are the droparm indicators or, for longer sessions, the E.T Backbiter, which works on the same principle but incorporates the facility for including beta lights and provides an adjustable audible alarm.
As the name implies, a swingtip is a stiff extension to the rod tip, hinged to a threaded base to fit a matching threaded tip ring on the rod. Once the bait has been cast out, the line is tightened until there is the required angle in the swingtip. A bite is signalled by the tip either rising or falling. Swingtips can be fitted with lead wire to counteract drift, and beta lights for night work. They are mainly used in stillwaters or very sluggish sections of rivers.
Separate quivertips are either supplied with rods, spigotted or overfitted to the rod top after removing the tip ring, or supplied with threaded adapters to fit threaded tip rings. Unlike a swingtip, the thread is not hinged to the body, which is tapered to accentuate a bite from a fish. They are supplied in a range of test curves, from 3 oz (85 gm) for strong fish such as barbel to only 1 oz (28 gm) or less to indicate the bite from the most delicately feeding fish.
Electronic Alarms
Most anglers will be equipped with electronic alarms of one kind or another, usually in combination with bobbins or butt indicators, in order to give both visual and audible bite warning. The line is placed in the slot in the alarm head and a bite is then indicated with a bleep and flashing LED display when the line moves. There are many very reliable alarms available on the market.
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/night-fishing-tips-details-on-how-to-set-up-for-night-fishing-3881948.html
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