The Obsession of Carter Andrews Episode List
Carter Andrews is not into fishing for recreation, money, fame or records. He is into fishing because he has no choice. He is the victim of an all-consuming obsession---one that has him on the water 300 days a year, from Panama to the Snake River; the Louisiana Gulf Coast to Russia. The power of his obsession is strong enough to reverberate through incredible television stories and even social media, where fans can participate with him. Watch The Obsession of Carter Andrews, and see for yourself how driven one man can be.
Episode 10: Costa Rica pt 2Jan 01 2014
Episode 11: Behind the Scenes of the MadfinJan 01 2014
Episode 1: Long Island Bluefish & Striper FishingJan 01 2014
Episode 2: Cape Cod OCA 2014-02 Cape Cod from The Obsession of Carter Andrews on Vimeo.Jan 01 2014
Episode 3: Ponoi River Russia Part 1Jan 01 2014
Episode 4: Ponoi River Russia Part 2Jan 01 2014
Episode 5: Guatamala SailfishJan 01 2014
Episode 6: Guatamala to Miami SailfishingJan 01 2014
Episode 7: Key West pt. 1Jan 01 2014
Episode 8: Key West pt. 2Jan 01 2014
Episode 9: Costa RicaJan 01 2014
Nova Scotia Monsters, Part 1: Episode 203Jan 01 2014
Nova Scotia Monsters, Part 2: Episode 204Jan 01 2014